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Why Blog about Perimenopause?

Older Women's Symptoms are Dismissed and Marginalized

My grandmother, Nana, was a textbook case of post-menopausal osteoporosis and brittle bones. She broke her hip and was in the hospital a long time. These issues should not be marginalized.

Have you noticed how post-reproductive age women's health issues are ignored and stigmatized? Women who complain about perimenopausal symptoms such as achy joints, brain fog, anxiety, unexplained weight gain, sleep disruption, and more are dismissed as "whiny women". 

One of the most common questions I get relates to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and risk assessments.

Please subscribe to my blog to get my free guide to HRT!


My Story

My grandmother was a very influential woman in my life. My parents immigrated to Canada from the Netherlands and I was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. My grandmother lived in Amsterdam. On my many visits to the Netherlands, she would tell me about her life and especially on her reflections of the Nazi occupation. She always spoke the truth boldly in the face of great lies.

She took me on trips to other European cities, like Paris and London. We would talk about all sorts of things. She died in 2020, early in the pandemic from covid. I couldn't say goodbye because of travel restrictions and she was in a coma and on a ventilator. I couldn't go to a funeral. Sometimes I still think about her and I wish she had lived longer.

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